Monday, May 2, 2011

The Weekly Martini

Last week was historic: a prince found his princess

…and I watched (yes, I was up @ 4a watching the pre-wedding coverage & I must share, with respect to the princess, my wife was a much more beautiful bride) & Fed Chairman Ben Bernake (a.k.a. Big Ben) spoke…and I listened.

You see last week Big Ben did a Hollywood style news conference. He shared that declines were “transitory” He also shared the there is pressure on the economy because of the current oil prices & Big Ben, and for the record so do I, think that the current oil prices are transitory. He did share that inflation has been picking up the pace however believes short-term inflation will be mild however the current levels are transitory. Finally Big Ben clearly communicated that QE(2) is moving forward with it 600 BILLION of purchases through June 2011.

Now the Kevin Martini word of the week is TRANSITORY! (FYI: Merriam-Webster: tran-si-to-ry: tend to pass away: NOT PERSISTENT). I say this because Raleigh home loan rates will be transitory! The current Raleigh mortgage rates & Cary home loan rates are simply amazing!

Here is the breakdown…

the dollar is weak…now with the QE(2) & the current printing of cash through the end of June I expect the dollar to continue to loose value…now a low dollar is not good for the bond market or Cary home loan rates or Raleigh mortgage rates. Plus do not forget a weak dollar is like leaving the light on for inflation to come home to the Triangle of NC & inflation is the nemesis to the home loan rates.

If you are thinking about purchasing or refinancing a home call919.858.0023 or email to learn more about what now is a great time to benefit form tooday’s historically low rates. I know Raleigh mortgage rates & Cary home loan rates are transitory.(THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for forwarding this post to someone that may benefit via “the Facebook” or “the Twtitter” with the neat buttons below + PLEASE subscribe on the top right — simply put your email in & then you will get an email confirmation that you will need to click on — THANK YOU).

BIG NEWS next week…we will get The Jobs Report for April 2011.

Let me share once more with you all….weak economic news causes money to flow out of the stock market & into the bond market…the bond market is where Raleigh mortgage rates or Cary home loan rates come from…when this happens home loan rates generally improve now if there is strong economic news…that will have the opposite effect.

I am here as a trusted advisor to help, I invite you to reach out & thank you for your kind referrals.

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