Sunday, May 29, 2011

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy!

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy!

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy! Let me also say , you can “Buy 1st if you can, then sell” in the Raleigh mortgage market — Charlie Sheen is doing it! fans, here is the 411…

–) Charlie Sheen has lived in his current Sherman Oaks residence since 1997. He has just listed the house or best said the McMansion for $7.2 million! Folks, I know that Ashton Kutcher has replaced him however I do not believe he is selling because of money – it is reported that poor Charlie Sheen made 40 million last year.

–) In Spring of 1997 when he purchased the McMansion – how much do you think he purchased it for? If you guessed $2.5 million, you would have been right! This proves that real estate is local even though some real estate is “on-sale” some is simply for sale. I also will share that if it is properly priced – it will sell. Here in the Raleigh – Cary market…homes are selling pretty darn close to list price.

–) Just a couple of months ago – Charlie Sheen purchased a new home – just 9 houses away from his current home – when you love a neighborhood – you love a neighborhood! For $7 million! This proves that it is time to upgrade!

You have heard me say this a ton — Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Home Loan Ratesare amazing & I truly do not believe they will be at this level forever. Now is the time to buy your new home in Raleigh or perhaps a Raleigh McMansion!

Here is the Kevin Martini, your trusted mortgage banker, take away:

Money is on-sale – again, Raleigh Home Loan Rates are amazing! They are amazing if you are buying your first home…they are amazing if you are moving up or moving down because the nest is now empty post graduation. Believe it or not – there may be an opportunity where you can buy your new home before your current home is sold –an offer with out contingencies is VERY strong – give me a call & we can talk more about that –

Over the last 5 years – according to my research, Wake County Real Estate has showed appreciation – yes, the past is not a benchmark what will happen in the future – I hear you however there is no argument that Raleigh Real Estate & Cary Real Estate weathered the housing renaissance like the best of the best.

Every Client I work with is different — different needs…different wants…different concerns – I invite you to reach out to me so we can discuss you personal situation to see if buying first is a good option to consider.

Kevin Martini


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