Sunday, May 29, 2011

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy!

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy!

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy! Let me also say , you can “Buy 1st if you can, then sell” in the Raleigh mortgage market — Charlie Sheen is doing it! fans, here is the 411…

–) Charlie Sheen has lived in his current Sherman Oaks residence since 1997. He has just listed the house or best said the McMansion for $7.2 million! Folks, I know that Ashton Kutcher has replaced him however I do not believe he is selling because of money – it is reported that poor Charlie Sheen made 40 million last year.

–) In Spring of 1997 when he purchased the McMansion – how much do you think he purchased it for? If you guessed $2.5 million, you would have been right! This proves that real estate is local even though some real estate is “on-sale” some is simply for sale. I also will share that if it is properly priced – it will sell. Here in the Raleigh – Cary market…homes are selling pretty darn close to list price.

–) Just a couple of months ago – Charlie Sheen purchased a new home – just 9 houses away from his current home – when you love a neighborhood – you love a neighborhood! For $7 million! This proves that it is time to upgrade!

You have heard me say this a ton — Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Home Loan Ratesare amazing & I truly do not believe they will be at this level forever. Now is the time to buy your new home in Raleigh or perhaps a Raleigh McMansion!

Here is the Kevin Martini, your trusted mortgage banker, take away:

Money is on-sale – again, Raleigh Home Loan Rates are amazing! They are amazing if you are buying your first home…they are amazing if you are moving up or moving down because the nest is now empty post graduation. Believe it or not – there may be an opportunity where you can buy your new home before your current home is sold –an offer with out contingencies is VERY strong – give me a call & we can talk more about that –

Over the last 5 years – according to my research, Wake County Real Estate has showed appreciation – yes, the past is not a benchmark what will happen in the future – I hear you however there is no argument that Raleigh Real Estate & Cary Real Estate weathered the housing renaissance like the best of the best.

Every Client I work with is different — different needs…different wants…different concerns – I invite you to reach out to me so we can discuss you personal situation to see if buying first is a good option to consider.

Kevin Martini


Monday, May 23, 2011

Raleigh Home Loan Rates – The Weekly Martini

Raleigh Home Loan Rates – The Weekly Martini

Raleigh Home Loan Rates move because of 2 reasons…economic news & technical factors. No sunglasses were needs with the news that came out last week. When this occurs it generally means that Raleigh Home Loan Rates improve however that was not the case last week. So the question for your trusted mortgage banker is – why Kevin Martini did Raleigh - Cary home loan rates improve last week?

OK – so here is the break down…Raleigh home loan rates & Cary home loan rates come from the bond market…yes, we had some “soft” news last week however the news was weak in areas that I expected. Yes, new home construction (i.e. housing starts & building permits) are down. Remember --- REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL & THESE NUMBERS ARE NATIONAL NUMBERS. Now Batman & Spiderman have a nemesis…so does the bond market – the nemesis to the bond market is inflation. Just look at that Empire State Index that was reported last week…it shared the HIGHEST level of inflation in 3 years – then consider that last week the unemployment claims level was at the low last week – more people working…more people with pay checks to spend…more people then are in the malls buying…this is good for the economy however confirms my inflation thesis. So positive employment data with a risk of inflation trumps the soft economic data, hence this is why Raleigh mortgage rates did not improve last week.

That being said, Cary home loan rates are already historically low & represent an ideal situation if buying a home or considering refinancing. Don’t look in the rear view mirror – look ahead over the hood ornament … rates will move higher.

All good things come to an end…just think this week American Idol will be over until next year. The good news it will be back next year however interest rates that start with a 4 --- I truly do not believe will be back here next season.

I think this week we will see some good news with the reports that will be hitting the wire…we have new home sales, we have pending home sales, we have durable good orders , we have a look at the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), we have consumer sentiment , we have personal spending & we have personal income. Then don’t forget the finale for Dancing with the Stars & American Idol. WHAT A WEEK!

Please forward this using the neat social media button below because this information may help a friend of yours. Thank you in advance for forwarding & THANK YOU for allowing me to be your trusted mortgage banker. If you have any questions on how the current environment effects your situation, please give us a call. That number is 919.858.0023 or send me an email at

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Raleigh Home Loan Predications, Raleigh Home Loan Expectations, Raleigh Home Loan Guidance (a.k.a. PEG) – “The Weekly Martini”

Raleigh Home Loan Predications, Raleigh Home Loan Expectations, Raleigh Home Loan Guidance (a.k.a. PEG) – “The Weekly Martini”

Raleigh Home Loan Predications, Raleigh Home Loan Expectations, Raleigh Home Loan Guidance (a.k.a. PEG) – “The Weekly Martini

The temperatures outside are getting warmer here in the Raleigh & Cary, NC area (a.k.a. the Triangle)…the Raleigh real estate market & the Cary real estate real estate market is still warm & getting WARMER…Raleigh home loan rates and Cary home loan rates are so VERY HOT that you need to wear gloves – without the gloves you may burn your hands – I love “<3 “when a rate starts with a 4 & some of the home loan applications I took last week for the hybrid programs started with a 2! You know what else is boiling hot?


Here is the Kevin Martini, your trusted mortgage banker, break down. Folks, year over year inflation is almost touching 7% @ the producers level. So it is clear there is inflation on the wholesale level however it appears it is not being passed on a consumer level yet. It will & if it is not then we will be looking at slowing economic growth.

You see, today based on the numbers that were released last week – businesses are absorbing their increased costs & not passing it on to the consumer…sooner or later they must pass it on to the consumer by raising prices…that raising of prices on a consumer level will boost consumer inflation. Inflation is the nemesis to mortgage rates & know that when inflation rears it head Raleigh home loan rates & Cary home loan rates move higher as fast as a puma.

At the end of the day, get your sun glasses on because summer is rapidly approaching and you will also need them on because the economy is getting brighter & warmer. If you have been thinking of purchasing a home or refinancing your current one call (919.858.0023) or email ( to learn more about how you can benefit or please forward this post via the social media buttons on the bottom so perhaps the information can help one of your friends.

Now this week will be provide some big news for housing…we will get some info on housing starts, building permits & existing home sales. This week we will find if the 200 day moving average will act as a ceiling for Raleigh home loan rates…I fear that will be the case & if my thesis is correct, now will officially be the best time to buy! Remember if Cary home loan ratesmove just 1% upward, then your buying power is reduced by 10% — YIKES!

In closing, THANK YOU for allowing me be be your trusted mortgage banker & a trusted source for real estate & mortgage information. Every Client I work with is different…please call the office to see how the current environment can benefit you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kevin Martini Raleigh Home Loan Rates (a.k.a. “Martini’s Rates @ a Glance”)

Kevin Martini Raleigh Home Loan Rates (a.k.a. “Martini’s Rates @ a Glance”)

Kevin Martini Raleigh Home Loan Rates for this weekend are available:

Home Loan Rates

Martini's Weekend Rates @ a Glance

Don’t forget about the Martini’s Affordable Program (a.k.a. MAP!) This program is where the Seller can pay for your down payment & creates INSTANT EQUITY!

Don’t forget about the Rural Development Program with the USDA that offer 100% financing — there is a link on the left called USDA Property Eligibilitythat can share whether the property you are looking at is an option.

Folks, Cary home loan rates & Raleigh mortgage rates are simply amazing…then pepper in the fact that homes in the Triangle of North Carolina are VERY affordable — that is a wonderful mix.

Also TODAY – I am introducing M.R.W. Martini’s Rate Watch— this is where you can sign up to be notified when interest rates approach your desired rate and points combination.

Now if you have any questions, you can email ( or call (919.858.0023). Now if you need to reach me after hours or on the weekend I invite you to call my direct dial number @ 919.274.3700.

Happy Home Hunting — remember, it is not just a house, it is a home!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thrive in North Carolina!

Thrive in North Carolina!

Thrive in North Carolina!

Did you know that North Carolina is ranked #1 Best Business Climate 9 of the last 10 years!

Did you know that the NC GDP is over 370 billion & our GDP is the 10th in the country…in fact is that is the same as Sweden & we are the 20th largest GDP in the WORLD!

Did you know that the Capital of North Carolina is Raleigh & this is where I,Kevin Martini, call home! In addition, Raleigh is also referred to as the “City of Oaks”.

Did you know that NC has a very diverse geography & moderate climate for a ton of outdoor activities! From my home here is Raleigh, I am less that 2 hours to the beach ( for the official record, I love the beach)…a little more that 2 hours to the mountains ( & I love the mountains too however love the beach more) & about 10 minutes to RDU, where I can catch a flight to anywhere.

These facts are all found in a great report from the NC Department of Commerce & proves that NC, specifically the Triangle of NC is a great place to grow a business. I can provide 1st hand confirmation the Triangle is a great place to live & now is a great time to buy in the Triangle too. Raleigh home loan rates are at historic levels & homes are very affordable.

Did you know if you are a first time home buyer (FTHB) the State of North Carolian has a TAX CREDIT where you can get up to $2,000 a year tax credit every year as long as you live in that home as a primary residence. Yes, I said TAX CREDIT!

Plus, did you know the State of North Carolina even offers for first time home buyers down payment assistance with an intrest free & no payment loan up to $8,000!

Did you know, my team & I have over 50 years experience in the financial services & can help you navigate to find the right lending solution for you. After all, it is not just a house, it is a home!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Weekly Kevin Martini

The Weekly Kevin Martini

The Weekly Kevin Martini : Last week was a great week! Raleigh home loan rates ticked to their lowest levels of 2011. Now the last time they hit their low – they significantly jumped up meaning higher home loan rates. Speaking of higher, so is the Average Hourly Rate – it ticked up to $22.95 an hour . In the past year Average Hourly rate has increased just under 2%. Now the big new was last week when the Labor Department released its Job Report. It was big – in face this report was the biggest since 2006 – 244,000 jobs were created!

The world is a big place @ events across the world do effect Cary home loan rates. For example…this past Friday there was some news that Greece would be pulling out of the European Union – this was helpful tot the bond marker. Remember, Cary home loan rates come from the bond market The nemesis to the bond market is inflation – just think last week we learned that more people are employed and making more money per hour – sooner or later inflation is going to pop up & sat “HELLO!”

Today Cary home loan rates represent an opportunity & folks there are a ton of homes in the Triangle of North Carolina ( to name a few… Raleigh – Cary – Durham – Morrisville – Apex – Holly Springs – Garner ) that are not only “FOR SALE but they are “ON-SALE”!!!

Don’t miss the opportunity to save – call the office (919.858.0023) to schedule an appointment to discuss how the current home loan rate environment can help and your family with a refinance or a new purchase.

This week there will be a Treasury Auction we will see the CPI reading & the PPI reading too – plus we will see what you, the consumer, are saying. The Consumer Sentiment is so very important because the level of consumer sentiment is directly related to the strength of consumer spending.

I will close with a Kevin Martini fact: consumer spending accounts for 2/3 of the economy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

North Carolina Persian Festival

North Carolina Persian Festival

A first for the Triangle this weekend…this weekend at the 1st Annual North Carolina Persian Festival. It is my understanding there will be art, music & my favorite – FOOD! Those that know me know that I love a festival where there is food.

The Festival is scheduled for this Saturday ( May 7th, 2011 ) – 11a – 8p @ the State Fairgrounds, Kerr Scott Building. Tickets are required – for more information visit their website @

There is always something to do in the Triangle of North Carolina ---that is why it is such a great place to live! Yes, there is always something to do in Raleigh area however Raleigh home loan rates will not remain low forever.

I wonder what Cary home loan rates will be when the 2nd Annual North Carolina Persian Festival occurs in 2012? I bet it will be much higher than it is today.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Weekly Martini

Last week was historic: a prince found his princess

…and I watched (yes, I was up @ 4a watching the pre-wedding coverage & I must share, with respect to the princess, my wife was a much more beautiful bride) & Fed Chairman Ben Bernake (a.k.a. Big Ben) spoke…and I listened.

You see last week Big Ben did a Hollywood style news conference. He shared that declines were “transitory” He also shared the there is pressure on the economy because of the current oil prices & Big Ben, and for the record so do I, think that the current oil prices are transitory. He did share that inflation has been picking up the pace however believes short-term inflation will be mild however the current levels are transitory. Finally Big Ben clearly communicated that QE(2) is moving forward with it 600 BILLION of purchases through June 2011.

Now the Kevin Martini word of the week is TRANSITORY! (FYI: Merriam-Webster: tran-si-to-ry: tend to pass away: NOT PERSISTENT). I say this because Raleigh home loan rates will be transitory! The current Raleigh mortgage rates & Cary home loan rates are simply amazing!

Here is the breakdown…

the dollar is weak…now with the QE(2) & the current printing of cash through the end of June I expect the dollar to continue to loose value…now a low dollar is not good for the bond market or Cary home loan rates or Raleigh mortgage rates. Plus do not forget a weak dollar is like leaving the light on for inflation to come home to the Triangle of NC & inflation is the nemesis to the home loan rates.

If you are thinking about purchasing or refinancing a home call919.858.0023 or email to learn more about what now is a great time to benefit form tooday’s historically low rates. I know Raleigh mortgage rates & Cary home loan rates are transitory.(THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for forwarding this post to someone that may benefit via “the Facebook” or “the Twtitter” with the neat buttons below + PLEASE subscribe on the top right — simply put your email in & then you will get an email confirmation that you will need to click on — THANK YOU).

BIG NEWS next week…we will get The Jobs Report for April 2011.

Let me share once more with you all….weak economic news causes money to flow out of the stock market & into the bond market…the bond market is where Raleigh mortgage rates or Cary home loan rates come from…when this happens home loan rates generally improve now if there is strong economic news…that will have the opposite effect.

I am here as a trusted advisor to help, I invite you to reach out & thank you for your kind referrals.

What is the fastest growing city in North Carolina?

What is the fastest growing city in North Carolina?