Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Weekly Martini - March 20, 2011

When you really think about it – the world is a small place! What happened in Japan & what happens in the Middle East effects Raleigh mortgage rates & Cary home loan rates.

When thing are uncertain or unclear, investor try to find a safe harbor & there is nothing safer than a bond, specifically a mortgage bond. Now remember Raleigh mortgage rates come from those mortgage bonds. The flight to safety is what happened last week – when this flight to safety occurs bond prices improves & when that happens Home loan rates in Raleigh & Cary improve – Folks, this is what happened last week!

Now this flight to safety is generally a very short flight – when events around the world, (which is like an event around the corner – because it is a very small world) become certain & clear…may I even use the “stable” – this safe harbor trade will unwind & unwind very fast causing bond prices & Raleigh mortgage rates to unwind & get worse very quickly.

Then pepper in the fact that the nemesis to a bond is inflation – last week we saw 2 HOT reports (i.e. consumer price index & the producer price index) indicating that inflation technically may already be here as both report beat the streets expectations.

The punchline: when if the situations in Japan and the Middle East stabilize or improve, we could see further unwinding of the “safe-harbor” buying of bonds… which WILL hinder improvement in Raleigh home loan rates.

If you have been thinking about purchasing a home, call or email me to learn more about how you can benefit. Or forward this newsletter on to someone you know who may benefit from today’s historically low rates.



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