Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Buy a home in Raleigh … there is no reason to rent in Raleigh

Buy a home in Raleigh … there is no reason to rent in Raleigh

”What Can I Buy for $1800 a Month”…this was asked today to me & here is a “RENT vs OWN” report that compares the terrific savings my Raleigh Home Buyer can get by choosing to purchase a home vs renting for a payment of $1800 a month. In this scenario a buyer is able to purchase a $300k home with only 5% down, using conventional financing with NO monthly mortgage insurance for a little more than $1700 a month! After 10 years my Raleigh Home Buyer has a “Net Worth” of over $134K due to principle paid, appreciation and tax benefits that come with home ownership, compared to the renter who has nothing to show from all the rent paid!

Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates are very low & NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY — just let me know how we can help.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Weekly Kevin Martini – an improving job market…what does that mean for Raleigh Mortgage Rates?

The Weekly Kevin Martini – an improving job market…what does that mean for Raleigh Mortgage Rates?

Can you say improving job market? Initial Jobless Claims have now fallen below 400,000 – this level is associated with an improving job market – for five out of the last six weeks.

Not only was last week’s Initial Jobless Claims reading of 366,000 the lowest level since May of 2008, there was a double dose of good news in the manufacturing sector, as both the Philadelphia Fed Index & the Empire State Index were both well above expectations. Normally, good economic news causes money to move out of Bonds and into Stocks as investors like to take advantage of gains…and this would typically hurt Raleigh Home Loan Rates, as they are tied to Mortgage Bonds.

However, the continued uncertainty out of Europe helped keep Bonds andRaleigh Home Loan Rates on an improving trend, as the US Dollar and US Bonds (including Mortgage Bonds, which Raleigh Mortgage Rates are based on) are benefiting from safe haven buying. Ultimately, Europe needs to provide a large financial backstop for their banks and sovereign debt in order to fix their problems longer-term. Until this happens, I believe uncertainty should benefit the Dollar & our Bonds & keep Raleigh Mortgage Rates relatively low.

One factor that we can’t ignore, though, is inflation. Despite the Fed stating again last week that inflation is moderating, core consumer level inflation has continued to inch higher every month. Also, last week’s Producer Price Index showed that inflation at the wholesale level was slightly higher in November.

Remember, inflation is the nemesis of Bonds and Raleigh Home Loan Rates, because if inflation rises, investors in Bonds demand a higher yield to offset the lost buying power inflation imposes on a fixed payment. And as Raleigh Home Loan Rates are tied to Mortgage Bonds, this would mean Raleigh Home Loan Rates move higher.

The bottom line is that while the uncertainty out of Europe should continue to help Bonds and home loan rates, both inflation and continued good economic reports here in the US could temper these improvements. With Raleigh Home Loan Rates still near historic lows, now remains a great time to purchase or refinance a home. Let me know if I can answer any questions at all for you — just give a call to my SunTrust Mortgage Raleigh Office @ 919.858.0023.

The Bond Markets will be closing early at 2:00 p.m. on Friday for the Christmas holiday, but the week will be busy before then.

• Housing Starts and Building Permits (Tuesday), Existing Home Sales (Wednesday) and New Home Sales (Friday) for November will be reported.
• Weekly Initial Jobless Claims will be delivered on Thursday, and the Markets will be looking to see if the reading remains under 400,000.
• Also on Thursday, we’ll see the Consumer Sentiment Index for December as well as the final reading on Third Quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2011. The second reading came in at 2%, down from the first reading of 2.5%.
• Finally, Friday the markets will see reports on Personal Income and Personal Spending along with the inflation indicator Core Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE). Durable Goods will also be reported.

Finally, the Treasury Department will sell a whopping $99 Billion in 2-, 5- and 7-year Notes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Remember: Weak economic news normally causes money to flow out of Stocks and into Bonds, helping Bonds and Raleigh Home Loan Ratesimprove, while strong economic news normally has the opposite result.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bad Debt vs Good Debt by Kevin Martini with SunTrust Mortgage

Bad Debt vs Good Debt by Kevin Martini with SunTrust Mortgage

Good Debt vs Bad Debt...

What's the Difference & how do you Escape the Debt Rat Race

If you've ever struggled to keep up with all those

darn payments-including the credit card & car

payments -- you'll definitely want to tune in to this

important video. Check it out…

CLICK HERE FOR NEW VIDEO - How to Escape the Debt Rat Race

NMLSR# 143962

Tel: (919) 274.3700



Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Downpayment assistance up to $8,000 in Raleigh for buying your first home!

Downpayment assistance up to $8,000 in Raleigh for buying your first home!

Downpayment assistance up to $8,000 in Raleigh for buying your first home!

Home buyers who need help with the down payment and closing costs may qualify for interest-free, deferred second mortgages up to $8,000. You pay $1,000 from your own funds, and the loan pays up to $8,000 of the balance.

Payment on the principal isn’t due until 30 years from the date of the loan. Payment is due earlier if you sell, transfer, or refinance your home; if your loan goes into default; or if the home ceases to be your principal residence.

To qualify for the $8,000 downpayment assistance, your income and the home’s sales price must fall within our established limits. You must also have a minimum credit score of 650 to qualify for down payment assistance.

Homes built before January 1, 1978 and homes that are tenant-occupied, are not eligible for NCHFA down payment assistance.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Slow & Steady Job Improvement – What does that mean for Raleigh Home Loan Rates

Slow & Steady Job Improvement – What does that mean for Raleigh Home Loan Rates

Last week there wasBIG news on the job news! It appears that labor market is improving at a gradual pace – the headline number for job creations in November came in at 120,000, with 140,000 private jobs offsetting government losses…plus, some upward revisions to the two previous readings added 72,000 more jobs than had been reported.

There is even more good news…Hourly Earnings grew by 0.1% – a number that suggests no threat of wage-based inflation. Remember, inflation is the nemesis of Bonds and Raleigh Home Loan Rates because when inflation rises, investors in Bonds demand a higher yield to offset the lost buying power inflation imposes on a fixed payment & Raleigh Home Loan Ratesare tied to Mortgage Bonds, this would mean Raleigh Mortgage Rates move higher. So the Hourly Earnings number was good news for Bonds andRaleigh Home Loan Rates.

The big Kevin Martini surprise was a rather sharp decline in the unemployment rate to 8.6%, the lowest unemployment rate we’ve since March of 2009.

It is good news that we’re seeing some slow & steady improvement in the labor market…and then pepper in other recent positive economic signals, means we are not near a recession at the moment. But our economic health remains fragile, and any external shock from Europe could easily disrupt the economic improvement we are seeing.

The bottom line is that the uncertainty out of Europe – and the prospect of additional Mortgage Bond buying (QE3) from the Fed – should continue to support Bonds and Raleigh Home Loan Rates as they will benefit from investors looking for a safe haven for their money. However, it is also unlikely that Bonds and Raleigh Mortgage Rates. Inflation, while not yet a problem, is still elevated…and if it continues to creep higher, this will limit any improvement Raleigh Home Loan Rates may see. With Raleigh Mortgage Rates still near historic lows, now remains a great time to purchase or refinance a home. Let me know if I can answer any questions at all for you.

Not a ton of news this week since earnings season is over, Stocks and Bonds will battle over investing dollars and trade off the geo-political headlines out of Europe.

• The ISM Services Index will be reported on Monday. This report gives investors a gauge as to how the service sector is holding up in this economy. Individuals employed in this sector produce services rather than products. Service sector jobs provide a significant number of jobs in the US – including housekeeping, messenger services, tax preparation, nursing and teaching.
• Weekly Initial Jobless Claims will be delivered on Thursday. This week’s report comes after last week’s report showed that claims rose above the 400,000 level for the first time in four weeks.
• Consumer Sentiment will be delivered on Friday to cap off the week.

In addition to that news, here’s something to keep an eye on in the weeks ahead. Stocks may be set for another jump. That’s because of something that’s become known as the “Santa Claus Rally.” The Santa Claus Rally is usually a surge in Stocks in the week between Christmas & New Years.

Remember: Weak economic news normally causes money to flow out of Stocks and into Bonds, helping Bonds and Raleigh Home Loan Rates improve, while strong economic news normally has the opposite result.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What is going on with inflation in Raleigh & how does it effect Raleigh home loan rates

What is going on with inflation in Raleigh & how does it effect Raleigh home loan rates

QUESTION:What’s going on with inflation in Raleigh & how does it effectRaleigh Home Loan Rates?

ANSWER: Contrary to what the Fed has said about inflation moderating, year-over-year inflation is on the rise. In fact, the headline Producer Price Index (PPI) was reported up again last month. In addition, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was reported last month at a year-over-year level of 3.9%, which is more than double from the 1.6% level in January.

Remember, inflation is the archenemy of Bonds & to Raleigh Home Loan Rates. The concept is very simple: If inflation rises, investors in Bonds demand a higher yield to offset the lost buying power inflation imposes on a fixed payment. And as Raleigh Home Loan Rates are tied to Mortgage Bonds, this would mean home loan rates move higher.

If you have any questions about how inflation and economic news might impact the home loan rate you can get, please call or email today. It will only take a few moments to discuss what’s going on based on your unique goals and financial situation.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Volatility is the word that describes Raleigh Mortgage Rates last week – THE WEEKLY KEVIN MARTINI with SunTrust Mortgage

Volatility is the word that describes Raleigh Mortgage Rates last week – THE WEEKLY KEVIN MARTINI with SunTrust Mortgage

There is one word to describe Raleigh Mortgage Rates last week…that words would be volatility! Why such volatility…well, issues in Europe all the way to this past Friday’s Job’s Report.

With Friday’s Jobs Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was a big market mover, showing that 80K jobs were created in October –in addition, 104K private sector jobs were created & the unemployment rate dropped to 9%, from a previous reading of 9.1%. A big positive in the report was once again upward revisions to prior month’s readings, which showed 102K more jobs created in the 2 previous months than what was originally reported.

The takeaway from the report is that it doesn’t appear the economy is slipping into another recession! The labor market continues to create jobs, but at a very slow and uneven pace. Until we see significant job growth–north of 150,000 each month, for a sustained amount of time–we won’t see meaningful improvement in the economy or the unemployment rate. This turn means that Cary Home Loan Rates & Raleigh Mortgage Rates should continue to hover at low levels but expect volatility.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday that purchases of Mortgage Bonds are being considered–which is another factor that could benefitRaleigh Mortgage Rates & Cary Home Loan Rates.

The bottom line is that home loan rates are still near historic lows, which makes now a great time to purchase or refinance a home. Let me know if I can answer any questions at all for you or your clients.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There is a new USDA Mortgage or Rural Development Home Loan coming October 1st

There is a new USDA Mortgage or Rural Development Home Loan coming October 1st

You have all heard me speak of the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) Rural Development Home Loan. In short, the Rural Development USDA Loan offers 100% financing if the property you select to call home is located in an eligible area. Yes, this is a 100% loan to value (a.k.a. 100% LTV) government guaranteed home loan that is designed to help families into homes – you do not need to be a first time home buyer to qualify.

Some of the USDA major benefits TODAY are:

-) 100% mortgage LTV based on the appraised value

-) There is no down payment required

-) There is no minimum Buyer contribution

-) There are no reserves required

-) up to 6% Seller concessions

-) a low 30 year fixed rate


Now the USDA Mortgage or the Rural Development Home Loan is changing come October 1st! All the major benefits mentioned above will remain with the exception mortgage insurance…yes, the USDA is getting mortgage insurance!

Currently the mortgage insurance with a USDA Mortgage or a RD Home Loan is replaced by the 3.5% funding fee. Now effective October 1, 2011, the funding fee is being reduced to 2%with an additional annual fee of 0.2% of the principal balance.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kevin Martini, what the heck is a 1031 exchange?

Kevin Martini, what the heck is a 1031 exchange?

Kevin Martini, what the heck is a 1031 exchange? This is a common question at The Kevin Martini Group. Towards that end, enjoy this article or blog post:

A 1031 exchange involve trading like-kind real estate properties while deferring capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes. In order to qualify for 1031 like kind exchanges investors are required to reinvest 100-percent of equity into real property of equal or greater value.

Let me start with a disclaimer – I Kevin Martini am a Trusted Mortgage Banker located in the Triangle of North Carolina providing Raleigh Home Loans & Cary Mortgages. I am not a tax advisor & this information is my understanding…it is my hope this article may help guide your discussion with your tax advisor.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires participants of 1031 exchanges to retain the services of a Qualified Intermediary (QI) to handle all aspects of the tax deferred exchange. QI’s are responsible for managing monetary transfers and submission of required legal documents including IRS form 1031.

Real estate investors should engage in due diligence when hiring a Qualified Intermediary. QI’s must possess solid experience in the 1031 process. One mathematical error or improperly filed form could lead to colossal fees and penalties imposed by the IRS.

1031 property trades must adhere to two specific time requirements. The first is known as the “Identification Period” and requires investors to identify replacement property in writing within 45 calendar days.

The second time constraint is the “Exchange Period” which begins on the date when property transfers take place and expires within 180 calendar days.

1031 exchange properties are restricted to investment real estate and business equipment. Requirements are broadly defined; allowing investors and investment groups to exchange a wide range of properties. For example, investors can exchange a retail shopping center for an apartment complex or raw land for a commercial warehouse.

1031 like kind property exchanges must be titled in the same name as relinquished properties. If the traded property was titled as Kevin Martini Realty Investments, the replacement property must be titled the same. It cannot be titled as Kevin Martini Real Estate Investments or KM Properties.

In addition to real estate, equipment used for business purposes can be traded using 1031 tax deferred exchanges. Since 1031 exchange guidelines require investment property be exchanged for like kind property, investors cannot exchange equipment for real estate. 1031 rules require real estate to be traded for real estate and equipment exchanged for equipment.

The IRS prohibits the use of 1031 exchanges for primary residences or vacation homes unless houses are investment real estate & rent is collected on a regular basis. Deferred exchanges cannot be used to trade partnership interest, bonds, stock or inventory.

During the 1031 process investors are prohibited from accessing equity money acquired through the sale of real estate or equipment. QI’s shold all proceeds in a separate account. Once the tax deferred exchange is completed, QIs prepare required documentation linking exchanged properties together.

1031 exchanges allow deferral of capital gains taxes and depreciation recapture as long as funds are used to invest in like-kind properties. Deferring taxes is similar to obtaining an interest-free loan on taxes which would normally be due for a regular real estate or equipment sale.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Weekly Martini – information on Raleigh Home Loan Rates and Cary Mortgage Rates

The Weekly Martini – information on Raleigh Home Loan Rates and Cary Mortgage Rates

Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates are very HOT however it is not the only thing that is hot here in Raleigh…inflation is heating up but was that mean for Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates.

My Name is Kevin Martini and I am a trusted mortgage banker with SunTrust Mortgage & welcome to The Weekly Martini.

Last week we saw a double dose of inflation news last week & while the Producer Price Index (which measures inflation at the wholesale level) remained unchanged in August, the year-over-year Core Consumer Price Index (CPI) jumped up to hit the upper-end of the Fed’s threshold of 2%.

So why Kevin Martini is this significant?

The concept is very simple: If inflation rises, investors in Bonds demand a higher yield to offset the lost buying power inflation imposes on a fixed payment. And as Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates are tied to Mortgage Bonds, this would meansRaleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates will move higher.

Remember: Once inflation starts to emerge it can manifest rather quickly. Future inflation readings will be closely watched to see if a trend higher is emerging, and last week’s elevated number will certainly heat up the debate surrounding more stimulus, as more money into the system fuels inflation further. If inflation heats up even more, the Fed will likely back off their “low rates until mid-2013″ mandate. Inflation really does change everything & I will continue to follow this story closely and keep you informed.

The bottom line is that Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates remain near historic lows & NOW is still a great time to purchase or refinance a home. If I can answer any questions at all for you call (919.858.0023) or email (Kevin@KevinMartini.com) me anytime.

Forecast for the Week: Several pieces of housing news will hit the wires, plus the Fed meets.

Housing Starts for August will be delivered on Tuesday and are at extremely low levels given the current environment. The July reading was down 1.5% from June…but it was actually up 10% from a year ago in July 2010. Building Permits, a sign of future construction, will also be released on Tuesday.

• More housing news follows Wednesday with the Existing Home Sales Report.

• Also on Tuesday and Wednesday is the regularly scheduled Federal Open Market Committee meeting. With inflation heating up, it will be important to see what the Fed has to say.

Weekly Initial Jobless Claims will be reported on Thursday as usual, and they

continue to remain above 400,000 rising to 428,000 last week.

Remember: Weak economic news normally causes money to flow out of Stocks and into Bonds, helping Bonds and home loan rates improve, while strong economic news normally has the opposite result.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Kevin Martini Home Value Chart

The Kevin Martini Home Value Chart

Home Value Chart

The above chart I call "The Kevin Martini Home Value Chart" -- pretty original name don't you think? If home loan rates go up by 1%, a homes value (& sales price) would have to decline by 11% in order to keep the same mortgage payment a Buyer could have by buying a a home right now @ current home values & home loan rates.

Raleigh Home Loan rates are very attractive -- if you’ve been thinking about buying or refinancing a home, give me a call (919.858.0023) or send me an email (Kevin@KevinMartini.com) to learn how you can take advantage of Raleigh Home Loan Rates that remain near some of the best levels we’ve seen this year.

Thank you in advance for forwarding this to someone you know who may benefit or posting on your Facebook or Twitter.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Looks like a cold front is coming today -- high temp is only expected to be 99

Monday, June 20, 2011

Raleigh Mortgage Rates Are Low – The Weekly Kevin Martini

Raleigh Mortgage Rates Are Low – The Weekly Kevin Martini

Raleigh Mortgage Rates are low – The Weekly Kevin Martini. Folks, there was a ton of volatility during the middle of last week week however Raleigh Mortgage Rates ended nearly unchanged. So there was weak manufacturing data offset the higher than expected inflation readings. Similarly,increased social unrest in Greece early in the week was balanced by renewed hopes on Friday for a quick solution to Greece’s debt problems.

The current economic outlook, which includes expectations for tame inflation, has supported low Raleigh Mortgage Rates. The monthly inflation reports released this past week caused investors some concern, however the May Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.2% from April, which was above the consensus forecast, and CPI was 3.6% higher than one year ago, that is huge, which was the highest annual rate since October 2008. Core CPI, which does not include food & energy, increased at a 1.5% annual rate, also above expectations, and up from 1.3% last month. Now, it is important to know that the inflation readings in China rose to the highest levels since July 2008. While it will take several months of unexpectedly high data to signal a trend…I & investors will be closely watching for signs of a rapid increase in inflation, which would be negative for Raleigh Mortgage Rates.

The housing sector data released this past week was stronger than expected! May Housing Starts rose 4% from April, which was well above the consensus forecast. Building Permits increased 9% to the highest level since December.

The big story this week will be Wednesday’s Fed meeting. No change in rates is expected, but investors will be seeking hints of any additional monetary stimulus to boost the economy. Existing Home Sales will come out on Tuesday, and New Home Sales will be released on Thursday. Durable Orders, an important indicator of economic growth, will come out on Friday. Then the final revisions to 1st quarter 2011 GDP will also be released on Friday.

Folks, Raleigh Home Loan Rates still remain near some of the best levels we’ve seen this year & it’s important to take advantage of these levels while they remain. If you have been thinking about purchasing or refinancing a home, call or email me to learn more about why now is a great time to benefit from today’s historically low rates.

Please forward this newsletter on to someone you know who may benefit.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Raleigh Home Loan Rates & The Weekly Martini

Raleigh Home Loan Rates & The Weekly Martini

Raleigh Home Loan Rates are amazing & so are Cary Home Loan Rates. If you are Buying a Home in Raleigh or if you are Buying a Home in Cary…I must share there are some amazing opportunities out there & this weekend echoed the sentiment. WOW, there were a ton of open houses this weekend.

Speaking of a ton – there was a ton of data that hit the wires last week too…here is the Kevin Martini, your trusted mortgage advisor, take on the data that came in last week. We are on the super highway and we are simply taking our foot off the accelerator as we are going into the curve before the straight-a-way — after the curves get your sunglasses ready!!! Then I think we will need to quote Sammy Hagar when he was with Van Halen — “I can’t drive 55”!

Dankeschön to the Germany’s for helping out the Greece! Yes, this is a short-term plug however it will help the Greece get some more time to resolve things.

Yes, the job number was weaker than many expected however the hourly earnings component of the report exceeded expectations.

Have you heard of the Case-Sciller? So there is a report called the Case-Shilller Home Price Index & it was released last week. It is supposed to be the “national index for home prices” – folks, real estate is local! You know what else is local – the weather. If I used a “national weather forecast” today – I would have worn jeans & long sleeve shirt & brought an umbrella because it was going to be cloudy with a strong chance of rain with a high temp of 68 degrees. The reality here in Raleigh, NC the weather was HOT & SUNNY – just like the Raleigh Real Estate Market. Knowing what the national temperature is irrelevant to you if you are selling in Raleigh, NC or buying in Cary, NC I simply do not get it.

Raleigh Home Prices are still very affordable…Raleigh Home Loan Ratesare very attractive & @ 50 year lows – these are facts folks – please let me know how I can help. We can look at your situation & develop a custom plan for home ownership & make sure you are “Buyer Able”. My direct number is 919.274.3700 or you can always email me at:


You know what I say & so do many very smart people… “friends don’t let friends get a mortgage with anyone but The Kevin Martini Group (www.KevinMartini.com).”

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy!

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy!

Raleigh – Cary Real Estate is hot & now is the time to buy! Let me also say , you can “Buy 1st if you can, then sell” in the Raleigh mortgage market — Charlie Sheen is doing it!

MartiniFactor.com fans, here is the 411…

–) Charlie Sheen has lived in his current Sherman Oaks residence since 1997. He has just listed the house or best said the McMansion for $7.2 million! Folks, I know that Ashton Kutcher has replaced him however I do not believe he is selling because of money – it is reported that poor Charlie Sheen made 40 million last year.

–) In Spring of 1997 when he purchased the McMansion – how much do you think he purchased it for? If you guessed $2.5 million, you would have been right! This proves that real estate is local even though some real estate is “on-sale” some is simply for sale. I also will share that if it is properly priced – it will sell. Here in the Raleigh – Cary market…homes are selling pretty darn close to list price.

–) Just a couple of months ago – Charlie Sheen purchased a new home – just 9 houses away from his current home – when you love a neighborhood – you love a neighborhood! For $7 million! This proves that it is time to upgrade!

You have heard me say this a ton — Raleigh Home Loan Rates & Cary Home Loan Ratesare amazing & I truly do not believe they will be at this level forever. Now is the time to buy your new home in Raleigh or perhaps a Raleigh McMansion!

Here is the Kevin Martini, your trusted mortgage banker, MartiniFactor.com take away:

Money is on-sale – again, Raleigh Home Loan Rates are amazing! They are amazing if you are buying your first home…they are amazing if you are moving up or moving down because the nest is now empty post graduation. Believe it or not – there may be an opportunity where you can buy your new home before your current home is sold –an offer with out contingencies is VERY strong – give me a call & we can talk more about that –

Over the last 5 years – according to my research, Wake County Real Estate has showed appreciation – yes, the past is not a benchmark what will happen in the future – I hear you however there is no argument that Raleigh Real Estate & Cary Real Estate weathered the housing renaissance like the best of the best.

Every Client I work with is different — different needs…different wants…different concerns – I invite you to reach out to me so we can discuss you personal situation to see if buying first is a good option to consider.

Kevin Martini



Monday, May 23, 2011

Raleigh Home Loan Rates – The Weekly Martini

Raleigh Home Loan Rates – The Weekly Martini

Raleigh Home Loan Rates move because of 2 reasons…economic news & technical factors. No sunglasses were needs with the news that came out last week. When this occurs it generally means that Raleigh Home Loan Rates improve however that was not the case last week. So the question for your trusted mortgage banker is – why Kevin Martini did Raleigh - Cary home loan rates improve last week?

OK – so here is the break down…Raleigh home loan rates & Cary home loan rates come from the bond market…yes, we had some “soft” news last week however the news was weak in areas that I expected. Yes, new home construction (i.e. housing starts & building permits) are down. Remember --- REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL & THESE NUMBERS ARE NATIONAL NUMBERS. Now Batman & Spiderman have a nemesis…so does the bond market – the nemesis to the bond market is inflation. Just look at that Empire State Index that was reported last week…it shared the HIGHEST level of inflation in 3 years – then consider that last week the unemployment claims level was at the low last week – more people working…more people with pay checks to spend…more people then are in the malls buying…this is good for the economy however confirms my inflation thesis. So positive employment data with a risk of inflation trumps the soft economic data, hence this is why Raleigh mortgage rates did not improve last week.

That being said, Cary home loan rates are already historically low & represent an ideal situation if buying a home or considering refinancing. Don’t look in the rear view mirror – look ahead over the hood ornament … rates will move higher.

All good things come to an end…just think this week American Idol will be over until next year. The good news it will be back next year however interest rates that start with a 4 --- I truly do not believe will be back here next season.

I think this week we will see some good news with the reports that will be hitting the wire…we have new home sales, we have pending home sales, we have durable good orders , we have a look at the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), we have consumer sentiment , we have personal spending & we have personal income. Then don’t forget the finale for Dancing with the Stars & American Idol. WHAT A WEEK!

Please forward this using the neat social media button below because this information may help a friend of yours. Thank you in advance for forwarding & THANK YOU for allowing me to be your trusted mortgage banker. If you have any questions on how the current environment effects your situation, please give us a call. That number is 919.858.0023 or send me an email at Kevin@KevinMartini.com

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Raleigh Home Loan Predications, Raleigh Home Loan Expectations, Raleigh Home Loan Guidance (a.k.a. PEG) – “The Weekly Martini”

Raleigh Home Loan Predications, Raleigh Home Loan Expectations, Raleigh Home Loan Guidance (a.k.a. PEG) – “The Weekly Martini”

Raleigh Home Loan Predications, Raleigh Home Loan Expectations, Raleigh Home Loan Guidance (a.k.a. PEG) – “The Weekly Martini

The temperatures outside are getting warmer here in the Raleigh & Cary, NC area (a.k.a. the Triangle)…the Raleigh real estate market & the Cary real estate real estate market is still warm & getting WARMER…Raleigh home loan rates and Cary home loan rates are so VERY HOT that you need to wear gloves – without the gloves you may burn your hands – I love “<3 “when a rate starts with a 4 & some of the home loan applications I took last week for the hybrid programs started with a 2! You know what else is boiling hot?


Here is the Kevin Martini, your trusted mortgage banker, break down. Folks, year over year inflation is almost touching 7% @ the producers level. So it is clear there is inflation on the wholesale level however it appears it is not being passed on a consumer level yet. It will & if it is not then we will be looking at slowing economic growth.

You see, today based on the numbers that were released last week – businesses are absorbing their increased costs & not passing it on to the consumer…sooner or later they must pass it on to the consumer by raising prices…that raising of prices on a consumer level will boost consumer inflation. Inflation is the nemesis to mortgage rates & know that when inflation rears it head Raleigh home loan rates & Cary home loan rates move higher as fast as a puma.

At the end of the day, get your sun glasses on because summer is rapidly approaching and you will also need them on because the economy is getting brighter & warmer. If you have been thinking of purchasing a home or refinancing your current one call (919.858.0023) or email (Kevin@KevinMartini.com) to learn more about how you can benefit or please forward this post via the social media buttons on the bottom so perhaps the information can help one of your friends.

Now this week will be provide some big news for housing…we will get some info on housing starts, building permits & existing home sales. This week we will find if the 200 day moving average will act as a ceiling for Raleigh home loan rates…I fear that will be the case & if my thesis is correct, now will officially be the best time to buy! Remember if Cary home loan ratesmove just 1% upward, then your buying power is reduced by 10% — YIKES!

In closing, THANK YOU for allowing me be be your trusted mortgage banker & a trusted source for real estate & mortgage information. Every Client I work with is different…please call the office to see how the current environment can benefit you.