Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Kevin Martini Home Value Chart

The Kevin Martini Home Value Chart

Home Value Chart

The above chart I call "The Kevin Martini Home Value Chart" -- pretty original name don't you think? If home loan rates go up by 1%, a homes value (& sales price) would have to decline by 11% in order to keep the same mortgage payment a Buyer could have by buying a a home right now @ current home values & home loan rates.

Raleigh Home Loan rates are very attractive -- if you’ve been thinking about buying or refinancing a home, give me a call (919.858.0023) or send me an email ( to learn how you can take advantage of Raleigh Home Loan Rates that remain near some of the best levels we’ve seen this year.

Thank you in advance for forwarding this to someone you know who may benefit or posting on your Facebook or Twitter.

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