Saturday, March 17, 2012

No luck this week for Raleigh Mortgage Rates

No luck this week for Raleigh Mortgage Rates

Raleigh mortgage rates rose nearly 0.375% this week…was this in anticipation of the leprechaun? I think not!
I think the move was clearly based on the fact that Wall Street just realized that the Fed will most likely never put QE3 into play. Folks, it is my opinion, we are saying “good-bye” to Raleigh mortgage rates that start with a 3 & “hello Raleigh mortgage rates that are higher.”
Here is the Kevin Martini quote of the day: ”If you are looking for the lowest cost of borrowing of your lifetime – THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW” – Yes, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow & here are 2 reason below:
1) Raleigh mortgage rates are still at very attractive levels
2) Today is St. Patricks Day & in the video below you can participate & could “WIN” — if you have the right answer

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