Friday, January 6, 2012

The Kevin Martini Top 5 Predications for Raleigh – Cary Residential Real Estate

The Kevin Martini Top 5 Predications for Raleigh – Cary Residential Real Estate

Real estate is local — just like the weather. Real estate in the Triangle of North Carolina & specifically in Raleigh – Cary residential real estate arena has been somewhat protected from the market declines in housing experienced across the U.S.

As a Mortgage Banker & as a homeowner in Raleigh, that is a good thing! Folks, I think it is going to go from good to great as I am starting to see material factors of a rebound. There are several very positive factors at play & let us look at them in what I like to call:

The KEVIN MARTINI Top 5 Predications for Raleigh – Cary Residential Real Estate

#1…continued low interest rates
#2…home prices stabilizing & starting to rise (yes, rise!)
#3…increasing numbers of home sales
#4…increasing inventories of homes
#5…increasing need for the consumer to have a trusted real estate agent in tune with the market & a trusted local mortgage banker

Let me take a moment to expand on predication #1 — after all, I am mortgage banker with SunTrust Mortgage. Raleigh Mortgage Rates & Cary Mortgage Rates will remain at or near the historic lows however they will not be for the entire year.

With interest rates lower than generations have ever seen, it is creating a unique environment that may never be repeated — informed & savvy consumers are currently leading the way…along with real estate investors– they recognize NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!

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