Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Weekly Martini

The Weekly Martini:

Last week the news cycles & investors were focused on whether the government was going to stay open or is the government was going to close & if it is closed how long will it be closed?

OK, I pleased to report the US Gov’t is open for business & is funded with a budget @ least until the end of the fiscal year (technically until Friday however that appears to be just a formality) – then we get to start the journey all over again for the next fiscal year- how exciting!

Now, all this debate – are we going to be open or are we going to be closed created uncertainty…now the mortgage traders DO NOT LIKE uncertainty, towards that end, last week was very bad news for Raleigh and Cary home loan rates. The potential government shut down was not the only issue on the radar that was causing concern — those folks across the pond went ahead & raised there interest rates – OUCH!

Why do I say this & why do I & why should you care?

Simply put – last week, the Europeans raised the rate to curb inflation…the fact is the the “Euro” is trading @ a very high level vs. the “dollar” When the dollar is weak, that typically helps the stocks – you see this is great news for our 401K & for foreign investors too! You see the foreign investors will come in to the stock market because our dollar is weak and they can buy more ( you & I would do the same).
Now remember, the stock market & the bond market compete for the same investment dollar (REMEMBER: Raleigh mortgage rates & Cary home loans all come from mortgage bonds…now money will start to flow out of the bond market & into the stock market…when things are cranking in the stock market – there is no need for the safety of a bond. When money leaves the bond market, that means Raleigh mortgage rates will increase – YIKES!

That all being said Raleigh & Cary home loan rates are still relatively AMAZING, but remember that the Fed & Treasury have a VERY large inventory of mortgage bonds that they are planning to sell with 1st round of quantitative easing — folks this will not be pretty for Cary mortgages or Raleigh home loans.

I know you have been thinking of purchasing a home or perhaps refinancing your current one & if you have questions on how you will benefit from today’s historically very low rates, please call me (919.274.3700), Kevin Martini, your trusted advisor or email me at Kevin@KevinMartini.comTHANK YOU for sharing the word with someone that may benefit from this information & forward this post via the Facebook & the Twitter with those nifty icons below.

Now what is on the calendar for next week – the beginning of the week is kinda slow however then get you into a ton of important economic data that could truly impact how much a Raleigh mortgage will be. On Wednesday we will see the Retail Sales Report…then on Thursday (BTW: if you are counting, on Thursday which is the 14th of April will also mark 14 days until the royal wedding) we will the weekly jobless report & the PPI. Then on Friday we will see what the consumer is thinking with the Consumer Sentiment Index ( this will share what the consumer is thinking) & the CPI.

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